Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Kindergartener

From the very first day we held her, she was changing and growing. With mixed emotions, I watched my little princess start kindergarten this week. I was excited for a new time in her life and also feeling some sadness that my baby isn't so little anymore. She will forever be my baby but she's definitely growing up.
As a mom, there are days in my life where I can't wait for my kids to grow up. I guess I look forward to days where I could catch a breath, not have to hear the word "mommy" said in so many different ways a million times a day, and find some time to breathe...some little time of rest. But it's after times like this, a time where I can actually see time flying by, that I realize that I CAN WAIT for my kids to grow up and MUST hold on to everyday.

I thought I'd write my daughter a letter...

You started kindergarten this week. I am so proud of you! You are such a big girl! Mommy loves you SO MUCH!  You are so amazing to me! I love your thoughtfulness and heart to share with others. You have a generous, loving and joyful spirit. I have so much fun with you. I love our special times together - time with just me and you.  I love laying in bed with you, praying and singing our songs. You make our family smile and laugh.  I'm so grateful God allowed me to be your mom. I know you can do everything and anything you set your heart to. I love you! - Mommy

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